The Fact App
What is It?

The Fact App is an internet widget that expands your knowledge of important issues and allows you to share it with others. In less than a minute a day, this app empowers you with facts to help you make truly informed decisions.

Do you and your friends know the answers to these consequential and thought-provoking questions?

  • What portion of Americans go hungry?

  • What portion of the U.S. economy is consumed by government?

  • After fertilization, how long does it take a human heart to begin beating?

  • At the current homicide rate, what are the chances of being murdered?

  • Who pays a higher federal tax rate: the middle class or upper 1% of income earners?

With the Fact App, you will learn the answers to questions like these and many more. This is not about learning game show trivia but tangible facts that can help you to make vital decisions.


How it Works

Each weekday, the Fact App poses a question about a major issue facing society and then presents several possible answers. After you select one, the app will show the correct answer and a link to the supporting documentation.


The Fact App then makes it easy to share these questions/answers with your friends and colleagues through email, Facebook, or X.

Plus, the app will tell you what portion of all users answer each answer correctly.


You can also scroll through previous questions at your convenience.

For internet users, you can view the Question of the Day each weekday after 1:00 PM EST by visiting here.


If you would like the latest Fact App questions emailed to you about once per week, you can sign up here.


Information You Can Trust

The Fact App is a service of Just Facts, a non-profit institute dedicated to researching and publishing verifiable facts about public policy issues.

Research from Just Facts has been cited by hundreds of sources across a broad ideological spectrum, including major media outlets, universities, think tanks, prominent commentators, scholarly journals, and government entities at local, state and national levels.

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