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Why Are Grocery Prices So High?

High grocery prices haven’t been caused by corporate greed but by big government spending and easy money policies.


Does the Media Lie About Donald Trump?

CNN’s Dana Bash claims that the media doesn’t lie about Donald Trump and just lets “him speak for himself.” Here’s nine prime examples of the media mutilating Trump’s words.


Corruption at the FBI & DOJ

Former FBI Director James Comey claims that Trump wants to corrupt the FBI and DOJ, but the facts show that these agencies have been mired in corruption for decades.


Blame for the Border Crisis

Using a propaganda technique called “projection,” ABC News and many other media outlets are blaming Trump & the Republicans for the massive flood of illegal immigration caused by Biden & the Democrats.


“Equity” Means Discrimination

Achieving “equity” often involves discrimination, which is forbidden by the Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


Food Stamp Fictions

People who take Food Stamps are 79% more likely to suffer from hunger than people with equivalent incomes who don’t take Food Stamps.


The Mass Extinction Fraud

Contrary to 60 Minutes, the facts are overwhelming that earth isn’t in the midst of an “extinction crisis.”


Climate Change is Not Causing Famines

While showing heartbreaking footage of children starving in Somalia, CBS News blamed their plight on climate change, but the facts reveal an entirely different story.


What They Aren’t Telling You About N95 Masks

Media outlets and governments are telling people to wear N95 masks without warning them of the serious dangers documented in scientific journals.


Maternal Mortality, Abortion, and Race

CBS News misled its viewers to believe that the U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate of all wealthy nations and then deceitfully blamed a lack of abortions and an abundance of racism for this.


Shark Attacks & Climate Change

Contrary to NBC Nightly News, there is no scientific basis for the claim that climate change is causing shark attacks.


Energy Policies That Empower Tyranny

Until better technologies are invented, the “green energy” agenda enriches and empowers tyrannical regimes, making the world dependent on them.



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